“I believe health and wellness is the foundation for everything we do and it’s important to take time to invest in it now.” – La Vonn Gilbert

What is Wellness Counseling?

Wellness counseling is designed to help identify health and wellness goals and take actionable steps to achieve them.

I will meet with you virtually, either by Google Meet or by phone to facilitate a one-on-one counseling conversation. Wellness counseling sessions are an hour and can be scheduled to meet your needs.

How does it work?

Everyone is unique. I start with your personal situation and circumstances. By taking a holistic approach to personal wellness, I work with you through a collaborative and non-judgmental partnership tailored to you and your needs to:

What They Are Saying About BCF Wellness

Wellness COUNSELING Options

Different counseling packages are available depending on your needs.

Complimentary Counseling Consultation 

Email or call today to setup your free consultation

Email: info.bcfwellness@gmail.com

Phone: 914.407.4564

Located In Westchester County, NY